Recently Realme has launched Realme X50 PRO, its first 5G phone in India and now the company is ready to launch its another smartphone. Last year in August Realme 5 and 5 PRO was introduced in the Indian market and the Realme 5 series is the first quad-camera setup smartphone by Realme. And now its time to take this series forward. Realme 6 series is going to launch in India on 5 March.
In Realme 6 series you will get Realme 6 and Realme 6 PRO. The Realme 6 Pro has upgraded chipset and dual punch hole camera. But both phones in this series will have 64 MP camera.
Here, below you can have some leaked specifications of the Realme 6 series.
Table of Contents
Realme 6 and 6 PRO both are expected to have an IPS LCD display. The fingerprint sensor in 6 PRO is on the side panel of the phone which is the same as Poco X2. Both the phones have a punch-hole display and 60Hz and 90Hz refresh rate display respectively.
Realme 6 is going to have a chipset of MediaTek Helio G90T and Realme 6 PRO will have Snapdragon 730G. Both these devices will come with Android v10 which is a piece of good news.
Both devices will have a quad-camera setup with the main camera of 64 MP with 20x zoom. In front, you will get a punch-hole display, the notch is being removed in this series. In Realme 6 you can get one punch-hole camera whereas in Realme 6 PRO you can get dual punch-hole cameras, the second camera is expected to be a wide-angle.
The Realme 6 PRO will have 30W VOOC charging which charges your phone 60% in 30 minutes.
Expected Price:
Realme 6 – Rs, 10,999
Realme 6 PRO – Rs. 15,999.
The company has started accepting Blind Orders through their official site, which means you can Pre-book the upcoming Realme 6 or Realme 6 PRO by paying Rs. 1000. To Pre-Book your phone Click Here.
Does Realme 6 also support fast charging?
Yes, it supports fast charging.